Prices of hotels in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

The Rio de Janeiro is the main tourist route to Latin America is no accident, the city is surrounded on all corners by architectural and natural beauty, and has a mirror from Brazil to abroad. Christ Redeemer, Sugar Loaf Mountain and its cable cars, the Maracanã Stadium and the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Barra da Tijuca are just some examples of the uniqueness of the city Wonderful.

Now the metropolis February auction of more travelers, all motivated by the frisson of Carnival Carioca, which echoes in the outside world, earning the title of biggest party on the planet, surpassing the Chinese New Year, with about 2 million people each day of revelry.

Given the concentration of people in this stage of the year are recorded in the largest hotel chain in lodgings record, and now it will be different, according to surveys, about 88% of the places are already booked, not only in the city more throughout the state.

If you want to visit Rio now in high season, run and ensure your stay soon, the race for rooms is increasingly narrowing the field of choices, but finding it is possible to find even interesting hotels, well located, including promotion, to prove seeing some of the following options:

Residential Appart: Overlooking the beach of Copacabana and Ipanema, despite not offering much refinement, is a great option for cost and benefit, combining simplicity and good quality service. In the current promotion find available daily from R $ 215.00.

Magic Palace Hotel: Located in the Glory gives easy access to the main points of the city, so if you want to leave the hotel because the four stars offers a high level of comfort, also with special prices, everyday for just  R$ 219.00.

Roiss Rio Hotel: Offers complete infraestrura for its installation, and its proximity to Copacabana beach makes its strategic position. All this by starting at  R$ 240.00.

Hotel Villa Rica: succeeded in downtown Rio hotel is the ideal lodging for business or pleasure, since it is close to Lapa entretenimendo new center of the city. The advantage is also on price, bedrooms for only R$ 160.00.

Summary: If you want to enjoy the beauties of the wonderful city needs before guarantees your accommodation in a good hotel, and to help you did a survey highlighting some good options in dormitories.

Pelourinho Salvador Brazil

The city of Salvador, capital of Bahia famous is filled with so many attractive, besides being one of the most targeted tours the country, also adds many historical values. The biggest clue is in the popular culture of african descent, where the region has a larger agglomeration, since the African roots, alternating between music, costumes, religion, ideologies and so many other details that characterize the entire state.

This region of northeastern Brazil, has several folkloric expressions, whether in the preservation of secular churches, crafts typical of rural towns, diverse belief of a mestizo people surrendered to the myths and rites of worship land to all the saints, exporting music composed by national and ax still has what is most beautiful regarding living nature, which seals the vacation site.

From north to south of the state, one can admire amazing landscapes, numerous beaches, islands, rivers and waterfalls that make up the natural scenery. In the city of Salvador, you can find tourists round the year, coming from thousands of cities from all over the world. Besides the cultural, gastronomic, there are also those who visit the city in search of knowledge about the history of the region, which by the way unfolds the history of Brazil.

Among the attractions of Salvador, Pelourinho district is considered as one of the major postcard city. The site brings together much of what is there about the history of creation of Bahia, and the era of slavery in the country, just because the location was used to apply punishments to slaves. Currently, it can be observed a square surrounded by several old houses of colonial style, and many important architectures such as the Cathedral Basilica of the Rosary and the Church of Black Men.

The Pelourinho still meets several restaurants offering the best of Bahian cuisine, many craft stalls, cultural centers such as museums and theaters, musical attractions, religious events such as group practice afoxé Sons of Gandhy, and also has the familiar drumming performances of Olodum . Several important events happened in Pelourinho, like recording the video for “They Do not Care About Us”, the famous singer and the late Michael Jackson.pelourinho-salvador-Brazil

Many years ago, in the mid-’60s, the Pelourinho neighborhood was rundown and forgotten, transformed into point of prostitution, drug sales and much violence. Only after 1980, it started to be changed, the pillory was considered Cultural Heritage of Humanity, UNESCO World Heritage since 1985 and has been reputed as the cultural center of Bahia and Brazil.

Como fazer para trocar o nome da passagem aérea

As viagens aéreas são a forma mais segura e mais rápida de se deslocar por longas distâncias com conforto e praticidade.

Hoje em dia, até as famosas “passagens” de avião na forma de um pequeno talão estão quase em desuso para facilitar ainda mais a vida de quem viaja. É enviado para o e-mail do comprador um comprovante de compra que deve ser impresso em qualquer impresso e trago no dia da viagem.

Como se não bastasse, as compras pela internet são praticamente o meio mais utilizado para se adquirir as passagens aéreas. Com design fácil e intuitivo, os sites das companhias aéreas informam tudo o que o cliente precisa e saber e todos os detalhes possíveis de personalização do pedido.

Dessa forma, não é necessário sair de casa para comprar a passagem e nem para resolver qualquer problema, pois o suporte online e suporte telefônico podem resolver tudo o que seria possível pessoalmente.

Um exemplo clássico é quando o cliente erra alguma letra do nome ou sobrenome na passagem e só percebe após a compra. Se não resolvido, pode resultar no impedimento do embarque no aeroporto.

Caso isso aconteça, o cliente deve entrar em contato com a companheia aéreia pela internet ou por telefone e explicar a situação. Pequenas mudanças de letras ou números são toleradas e não são cobradas taxas por isso.

Mas, fique atento! Mudança integral de nome – mudar a pessoa que vai viajar – não é permitido após a compra da passagem por questão de segurança. Na hora de preencher os dados da compra, revise quantas vezes forem necessárias.

Caso tenha colocado o nome outra pessoa por algum motivo, o melhor a se fazer é cancelar a passagem. Por lei, o cancelamento de passagem aérea só acontece mediante multa de 10% do valor da passagem com menos de 24 h antes do voo.

Isso quer dizer que é possível cancelar a passagem sem pagar multa desde que seja 24 h antes do embarque. Após o cancelamento, o cliente pode escolher entre deixar o dinheiro pago na passagem como crédito para comprar outra passagem ou reembolsa-lo.
Caso queira comprar outra passagem depois do cancelamento, é aconselhável que deixe valor como crédito para facilitar a próxima contra. Caso contrário, peça o reembolso do dinheiro, pois os créditos só pode ser válidos por 1 ano.